Sorry, got a little distracted by Spring. Sunshine, greenery, beer. Ahhh...nice.
Now, what has been going on. Frankly too much to cover in one entry and so I may just skip over it and move on. Ok, some highlights:
Two amazing concerts. The first was British Sea Power and Yo La Tengo in a tiny converted church with less than a hundred in the audience. The second was Feist at the Hummingbird Centre. If you get a chance to see any of those bands, just go. Particularly British Sea Power - simply amazing.
The double. Both against Chelsea. John Terry in tears. There is nothing more to say...
Watching Gordon lose it from across the pond. It's just hilarious. What a loser, really. How did people miss that he would never be up to it, that to be PM you really do need a personality. I do miss Newsnight at times like this.
The Mars Volta live. Like going into a music shop with no soundproof rooms and everyone showing off at once. A truely, truely horrible experience.