Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sweet Dreams My LA Ex

Well, technically there is no LA ex but, you know, it was either that or 'Ain't Nobody Straight in LA'...

So, Los Angeles, what a fine place to celebrate your birthday. And what a great place to meet up with pretty much your oldest friend. 

I loved LA. And sometimes I hated LA. Quite often the dislike was sparked by yet another overheard conversation (all conversations in my hotel were designed to be overheard). They normally involved some old guy and a young blonde girl, with the old guy promising a part, a shoot or an introduction to "this guy Larry who's working on this amazing project...".

But between that (and, let's face it, what do you expect in Hollywood?) I loved it. I loved the sunshine - everything is in colour! I loved the music - I have had a soft spot for Laurel Canyon for a while but I didn't expect the quality dance music, the weird covers (who covers Bowie's Repetition in a house stylee?) and those moments when you're sitting in a bar and go 'What is THIS?!' And I loved the weird, cool boutiques and bric-a-brac shops. 

So, after two days in the sunshine state it was back to chilly Canada and two lovely evenings with my friends. Two timezones, four days of partying, a 30 degree temperature change (twice) and now I've broken the forty barrier. And I'm glad to say, I don't feel any different.

On an entirely different note, two of my very good friends have recently started my new favourite music blog: mynewfavouriteband.com. It is to be highly recommended to anyone who loves music and great music writing - there's not too much of that around these days. Actually, there's none of that in Canada but that's the great thing about the interweb, eh?

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