Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Clinton weirdness

Two posts in a day, keen or what?

Clinton just came out to speak in Texas. She looked a bit mad and a bit like she might break down. She also came out to U2's 'Street With No Name' - isn't that an odd choice of song? I want to run, I want to hide? I'm sorry, what was that? Our love turns to rust, blown by the wind, trampled in dust? Erm...ok...  She also came out with the most uncomfortable 8 year old latino kid dressed in the most cliched Mexican outfit. He looked like he just stepped out of a school play of Blazing Saddles. Please, please don't make this the candidate.

And now she's getting all weird and emotional while reading her thank-you list off a cue card. Oh, and she's in El Paso - my god, she's going to make a burrito in a minute. She sounds desperate and slightly mental and the face-lift looks like it's slipping. Then again, she's in Texas, a crazy, crazy state. The place where they have billboards with the classic sell: 'Buy yourself a big juicy pig'. To eat, obviously. 

Come on America, come on. This 'I am a human being, really, I am' rubbish can't work, can it?

Meanwhile, Obama looks like he'll overtake her in delegates. But not super delegates. Everything is 'super' in America. The super delegates (or the democratic establishment as they are otherwise known) could decide this race.

You need to look this speech up on YouTube - it's kinda disturbing... CNN just got bored or freaked out by it and cut her off for a commercial break. 'Burning down love' indeed...


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